They are all around me. They surround me. Sometimes, they even haunt me. Straight up, I don't take any mind altering substances other than things that I have been put on by "doctor's orders," although these drugs fascinate me. I have plenty of friends that are abusers, and that have offered, but fear keeps me away.
What is so special about these highs? I wonder. I've learned that you can get a high off of basically anything and that they come in an array of forms. Powder, plants, condensed air, pills, liquids... taken by your nose, mouth, veins, and whatever else you can put drugs into. The devices people use are crazy... beautifully crafted glass "bongs", classic looking pipes, a doctor's needle, even a straw. Do you like whipped cream? Ha, imagine what you can do with that device. It amazes me the endless possibilities there are, but yet the area remains foreign to me. Untouched. "Taboo."
I probably will never experience the "powder," the "M's," or the other crazy crap people put into their bodies for mental alteration, so instead I will question what their experiences were. Feel free to post without your name and enlighten me. It's interests me.