Monday, July 5, 2010

A Want or a Need?

Is love really needed?

No, really. Think about it. Do you really need love to be happy? It seems like I do, but maybe it's just because that is what I was brought up believing. Why is it that almost every little girl dreams of being a princess and finding Mr. Prince Charming? Why are we brain washed thinking that love is some sort of goal, some sort of twisted accomplishment that separates the "happy" people? Why can't we just embrace the simple matters of compatibility?

I'm rambling. I know. I just don't understand why I'm ruining the only thing that is making me happy right now. I harass my boyfriend. I pressure him. I make him feel like some sort of evil guy for not saying those three golden words... I-love-you. But why? I want to learn how to just be happy. Just be now. To forget about the future, about my plans, about my goals, and to focus on now. I need your advice, readers.